New vs Override [duplicate]


What would be the difference between new and override? Home Examples:

public class ClasseBase
    public virtual void Funcao ()

public class Classe : ClasseBase
     public override void Funcao()



public class ClasseBase
    public void Funcao()

public class Classe : ClasseBase
     public new void Funcao()


Is there a difference between new and override ? I know that new can be used to instantiate a class and override does not, but if there is a difference, what is it?

asked by anonymous 16.09.2017 / 15:10

1 answer


The difference is that if the method is declared with new it is not polymorphic whereas with override is.

Then override gives a new implementation to the base class method, and new is like a different method than the base class, even though it has the same name.

Picking up your example:

public class ClasseBase
    public virtual void Funcao()

public class Classe : ClasseBase
    public override void Funcao() //com override

public class Classe2 : ClasseBase
    public new void Funcao() //com new

When we create objects and save them to a variable of this type, everything works normally:

 Classe c1 = new Classe();
 Classe2 c2 = new Classe2();

 c1.Funcao(); //Derivada
 c2.Funcao(); //Derivada2

But when we store in the base class type and expect the polymorphism to work by executing the derived class code we see that this only happens with override :

ClasseBase c3 = new Classe();
ClasseBase c4 = new Classe2();

c3.Funcao(); //Derivada
c4.Funcao(); //Base

Here only in% with% of the call was polymorphic by running method c3 of Funcao instead of Classe which was the type of variable.

View the example in .netFiddle

ClasseBase allows you to re-implement a non-virtual method of the base class, thereby hiding the base implementation.


public class ClasseBase
    public void Funcao() //não virtual

public class Derivada 
    public new void Funcao()

Something that Visual Studio itself indicates when it sees a function equal to the base class being non-virtual:


Documentationfor new and new


  • and / When to use the keywords override and new (Credits: Virgilio Novic)
16.09.2017 / 16:10