I have a web integration that sends to my worksheet values automatically.
In one of my columns I have a URL that is concatenated with the value of an ID of the next column. I need to add in this URL value, the cell position next to this example:
A1: =CONCATENAR("http://www.teste.com.br/?id=";B1)
The formula would need to identify the position B1 and not the value that is in B1. By default all values in column B become empty.
Do you know of any way?
It would be as follows: A1: www.teste.com.br/id=
and B1: ""
| A1 | B1 |
| www.teste.com.br/id= | |
(no value in B1, it is empty)
Result I want to get:
The only detail is that I can not use a formula with reference to some fixed cell such as LIN(B1)
I can not use because when my code is to send a new line, it will not be B1
and yes B2
The logic I thought was to find the first empty value in column B.