Since your tempo_indisponivel
field refers to durations of time that may contain values greater than 24h, you can not convert it to type Time
The field of type Time in SqlServer refers to the time of day based on a 24-hour clock. Allowed values should be in the range of 00:00:00.0000000
to 23:59:59.9999999
My suggestion would be to work with the unit of time in seconds (using int
). To convert to seconds, assuming the varchar
field stores the time in horas:minutos:segundos
format, just do:
declare @tempo varchar(9) = '72:05:38'
select cast( left( @tempo,charindex(':', @tempo) - 1) as int) * 3600
+cast( substring( @tempo,charindex(':', @tempo) + 1 ,2) as int) * 60
+cast( right( @tempo,2) as int) as tempo_em_segundos
--Resultado: 259538
To convert back the duration time in seconds to type varchar
, just do:
declare @tempo_em_segundos int = 259538
select cast(@tempo_em_segundos/3600 as varchar(3))
+':'+right('0'+cast(@tempo_em_segundos%3600/60 as varchar(2)) ,2)
+':'+right('0'+cast(@tempo_em_segundos%60 as varchar(2)) ,2)
--Resultado: '72:05:38'
Another solution
Another way to work with "time durations" in SqlServer would be to use the DateTime having the default value 01/01/1900 00:00:00
as the start date (D0).
The durations would be represented as a displacement from D0. For example:
Duração Representação em DateTime Significado
12:30:01 01/01/1900 12:30:01 0 Dia 12h 30min 01seg
25:15:30 02/01/1900 01:15:30 1 Dia 01h 15min 30seg
To convert a duration of time varchar
to DateTime
, the following query could be used:
declare @tempo varchar(9) = '72:05:38'
select dateadd
,cast( left( @tempo,charindex(':', @tempo) - 1) as int) / 24
,cast( cast( cast( left( @tempo,charindex(':', @tempo) - 1 )
as int) % 24
as varchar(3)) + substring( @tempo,charindex(':', @tempo) ,6)
as datetime) )
--Resultado: 04/01/1900 00:05:38