I am in doubt about a query with joins in my project, when running Select directly in the database I have no problems, but when building with Query Builder, I do not get results. Where would he be missing out on her set up?
Normal Query:
SELECT EmpresaCNAE.*, empresa.*, ServicoValor.* FROM EmpresaCNAE
INNER JOIN empresa on empresa.EmpresaId=EmpresaCNAE.EmpresaId
INNER JOIN ServicoValor on ServicoValor.ServicoId=EmpresaCNAE.CNAEId
WHERE EmpresaCNAE.CNAEId=4721103 and ServicoValor.EmpresaId=EmpresaCNAE.EmpresaId
Mounted Query:
$Dados = DB::table('EmpresaCNAE')
->join('empresa', 'empresa.EmpresaId', '=', 'EmpresaCNAE.EmpresaId')
->join('ServicoValor', 'ServicoValor.ServicoId', '=', 'EmpresaCNAE.CNAEId')
->where([['EmpresaCNAE.CNAEId', $id->id],['ServicoValor.EmpresaId', 'EmpresaCNAE.EmpresaId']])
->select('EmpresaCnae.*', 'empresa.*', 'ServicoValor.*')
$ id-> id contains the 4721103, I did all tests with the same id
Running with toSql () I get the following:
select 'EmpresaCnae'.*, 'empresa'.*, 'ServicoValor'.* from 'EmpresaCNAE' inner join 'empresa' on 'empresa'.'EmpresaId' = 'EmpresaCNAE'.'EmpresaId' inner join 'ServicoValor' on 'ServicoValor'.'ServicoId' = 'EmpresaCNAE'.'CNAEId' where ('EmpresaCNAE'.'CNAEId' = ? and 'ServicoValor'.'EmpresaId' = ?)
I tested another form of query but with no results either:
$Dados = DB::table('EmpresaCNAE')->select('EmpresaCnae.*', 'empresa.*', 'ServicoValor.*')
->where('EmpresaCNAE.CNAEId', '=', $id->id)->join('empresa', function($join){
$join->on('empresa.EmpresaId', '=', 'EmpresaCNAE.EmpresaId');
})->join('ServicoValor', function($join){
$join->on('ServicoValor.ServicoId', '=', 'EmpresaCNAE.CNAEId');
})->where('ServicoValor.EmpresaId', '=', 'EmpresaCNAE.EmpresaId')->toSql();
Result of toSql of this last form:
select 'EmpresaCnae'.*, 'empresa'.*, 'ServicoValor'.* from 'EmpresaCNAE' inner join 'empresa' on 'empresa'.'EmpresaId' = 'EmpresaCNAE'.'EmpresaId' inner join 'ServicoValor' on 'ServicoValor'.'ServicoId' = 'EmpresaCNAE'.'CNAEId' where 'EmpresaCNAE'.'CNAEId' = ? and 'ServicoValor'.'EmpresaId' = ?