Contact Page works on GitHub Pages?


When designing a simple prototype of contact page, I remembered that there is a possibility that the project will be hosted by the GitHub servers.


But I also remembered that hosting with GitHub only supports Front End processing ie this contact form will not work since it should be done with a language that runs on the server side, PHP for example.


Is it possible to run a contact form even though it is hosted in GitHub Pages?

If it is not possible, is there a zero cost alternative to resolve this problem?

asked by anonymous 30.12.2017 / 00:18

1 answer


The purpose of GitHub Pages is to serve as a repository for documentation of codes hosted on GitHub, using markdown files, which are transformed into static files. The idea is not to have a space for homologation of an application and not even hosting one, even if it is possible to make one using SPA, Single Page Application.

If you are developing an app and you want to validate it, use some of the cloud services such as Azure or AWS, which offer for a year, for new accounts, a monthly amount to be a consumer. The first one can be accessed through this link .

If it's too complicated right now, there are even simpler services, for example: .

01.01.2018 / 22:28