I'm doing a web application with firebase, in this application I have an image register (optional), similar to the idea of a profile (the user may or may not have a registered image if a default image is not loaded), I would like how do I check if a file exists for that user?
Note: To "relate" the database (realtime database) to the storage (storage) I register the images using the user's key as a name, for example user registration with an xyz key, if it registers an image , it will be in firebase.storage().ref('xyz')
If the way I use it is wrong tell me the right way to do it.
I thought first of creating a chave: valor
with the path to the image in the database, but I found occupying unneeded space, in addition it would have to somehow check the file name not to repeat
To show the data I call the function mostrar()
within the reading forEach
function ler() {
database.ref(referencia_database).once('value').then(function(snapshot) {
snapshot.forEach(function(childSnapshot) {
var chave = childSnapshot.key
var obj = childSnapshot.val()
var urlImagem;
storage.ref(chave).getDownloadURL().then(function(url) {
// A imagem existe
urlImagem = url;
}).catch(function(error) {
switch (error.code) {
case 'storage/object_not_found':
// A imagem não existe
urlImagem = './image/default.png';
// Ocorreu um erro desconhecido
mostrar(chave, obj.nome, urlImagem)
function mostrar(chave, nome, url) {
div.innerHTML += '<a href="#container">' +
'<div class="col s12 m4 l3" onclick="selecionar(\'' + chave + '\')">' +
'<div class="card">' +
'<div class="card-image">' +
'<img src="' + url + '">' +
'<span class="card-title">' + nome + '</span>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +