Problems in declaring a structure


I am creating a simple Poker game, in this game I defined that the cards would be structs . According to my business rules, each card has a value , a name and a suit .

  • The Valor property corresponds to the range of 2 to 14 (this rule was implemented in set of property).

  • The Nome property is derived from Valor and only converts some numbers into letters. That is, the range of 2 to 9 will have their respective names as their names, and the range between 10 and 14 will have the names T, J, Q, K and A).

  • Naipe is a char that will store a Unicode character.

Since it does not make sense to have a worthless letter, I have created a constructor. But I can not set the Value property through this constructor, the IDE has an error that is only solved if I set a number to _valor in the constructor (but it does not go through validation and the Value property goes out of function). How to proceed?

The displayed error is:


The 'this' object can not be used before all its fields are assigned to

 struct Carta
        private int _valor;
        public int Valor {

            get {
                return _valor;

            set {
                int ValorMaximoPermitido = 14;
                int ValorMinimoPermitido = 2;

                if (value < ValorMinimoPermitido || value > ValorMaximoPermitido)
                    throw new Exception($"O valor definido para a carta está fora do intervalor entre {ValorMinimoPermitido} e {ValorMaximoPermitido}.");
                    _valor = value;
        public char Naipe { get; }
        public string Nome
                if (Valor > 1 && Valor < 10)
                    return Valor.ToString() + Naipe;
                else if (Valor == 10)
                    return "T" + Naipe;
                else if (Valor == 11)
                    return "J" + Naipe;
                else if (Valor == 12)
                    return "Q" + Naipe;
                else if (Valor == 13)
                    return "K" + Naipe;
                else if (Valor == 14)
                    return "A" + Naipe;
                } else
                    throw new Exception($"O nome para {Valor} não foi definido.");

        public Carta (int valor, char naipe)
            Valor = valor;
            Naipe = naipe;

asked by anonymous 25.02.2018 / 23:01

1 answer


The concept is wrong. A letter is immutable , it makes no sense to have set in it. If you want it to be changeable you should create a class, although it still does not make sense.

Remove this set and it will work. Validation must be done in the constructor.

In fact there are a number of other conceptual and implementation strategy errors in this code.

It would be nice to have C # having ADTs, as it does not have at least the definition of the cards would be better implemented as enum , so it would save many problems and be easier to program.

Some details:

25.02.2018 / 23:12