Return the URL of an image via JSON


I am communicating with Behance API and I have the following script written in Angular 1.5.5:

var app = angular.module('PortfolioApp', []);

app.controller('PortfolioCtrl', function($scope, portfolioFactory) {

  .then(function onFulfilled(data){
    $scope.projetos = data;
    $scope.behanceLoaded = true;
  .catch(function onRejected() {
    console.log('Erro no Factory');


app.factory('portfolioFactory', function($http) {  

  var getBehance = function() {
    var user = 'luandavi';
    var apiKey = 'APIKEY';
      return $http.jsonp(''+ user +'/projects?api_key='+ apiKey + '&callback=JSON_CALLBACK')
      .then(function onFulfilled(response) {

  return { 
    getBehance: getBehance


And he here I show them

<body ng-app="PortfolioApp">

    <div ng-controller="PortfolioCtrl" class="grid">
        <div ng-repeat="projeto in projetos" class="item">
            <img src="{{projeto.covers.original}}">

<script src=""></script><scriptsrc="main.js"></script>

The problem is that this "original" is an image with the original size that was sent to Behance, obviously. I wish I could use one of the thumbnails that the platform itself generates, after my project was aired. Of the options that JSON returns, there are the following:

"covers": {
        "115": "",
        "202": "",
        "230": "",
        "404": "",
        "original": ""

But if I use this number in project.cover.404 for example, the angular accuses syntax error. What can I do?

asked by anonymous 02.02.2018 / 12:08

1 answer


Change the code:

<img  ng-src="{{projeto.covers[404]}}">

Reference: link

Because in javascript, numeric object property is not accepted.

var covers = {
        "115": "",
        "202": "",
        "230": "",
        "404": "",
        "original": ""

Reference: link

02.02.2018 / 12:47