Good evening, How to make a function to handle past parameters in onclick to mount a url and open it in new tab? example
<button onclick="javascript:parent.funcao1('TESTE','ABCD', 'eydub21lJzonam9hbycsJ2lkYWRlJzogJzI5J30=');">TESTE</button>
Some of the data I need are in base64 in the parameter: "eydub21lJzonam9hbycsJ2lkYWRlJzogJzI5J30=" which are {'name': 'joao', 'age': '29'}
example url to mount:'joao'&ity;'29'&segmento='ABCD '
The mounted url can be opened in an iframe, new div, or new tab. Note: I can not change anything on the button because it is pulled from a database in this format. Thank you in advance.