Good morning, I'm having an error to run a code in my R.
Below is the code.
setwd("C:/Financas") # Salvar na pasta
Base = read.table("baseFin.txt", header=TRUE) #Importa o arquivo
papel = Base$Papel
evebit = Base$EVEBIT
cresrec = Base$CresRec
lpa = Base$LPA
vpa = Base$VPA
margliq = Base$MargLiquida
ebitativo = Base$EBITAtivo
liqucorr = Base$LiquCorr
divbrpatr = Base$DivBrPatrim
The main purpose of these codes is to get the indicators in the database and do what is written in the code.
This is the database
This is the error that appears in my R
Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote, dec = dec,
linha 1 não tinha 14 elementos