Force Adaptive Icon to be Square (Square)


The best icon format for my application is the rounded square, however, on api 26 and 27 we know that the android uses a predefined adaptive icon (always in circular format) or transforms a non-adaptive icon (circle with space blank and small real icon).

After many tests and searches on the internet, I was convinced that I should produce a circular icon, but luckily I noticed that the facebook icon in these apis maintains its standard (rounded square of normal size).

How can I implement this in my application?

asked by anonymous 17.04.2018 / 16:18

1 answer


If your application declares in targetSdkVersion the API26 or higher can not do anything.

How the icon is displayed depends on the mask applied by the "Launcher" application. It may be different from device to device and not "always in circular format" like you said.

An adaptive icon is formed by two layers, one representing the background and the other foreground. The "Launcher" application applies a mask (square, round or other) on these layers thus determining the final appearance of the icon .

ImageSource:AndroidGuide- Adaptive Icons     

17.04.2018 / 18:26