How to convert number in float to full number in PHP?


Is there any native function, or other practical way, to take a number in float and convert it to the extended number?


//input: 2.000,00
//output: dois mil
asked by anonymous 20.11.2015 / 16:41

4 answers


Native function does not exist, but there goes a recursive implementation.


function convert_number_to_words($number) {

    $hyphen      = '-';
    $conjunction = ' e ';
    $separator   = ', ';
    $negative    = 'menos ';
    $decimal     = ' ponto ';
    $dictionary  = array(
        0                   => 'zero',
        1                   => 'um',
        2                   => 'dois',
        3                   => 'três',
        4                   => 'quatro',
        5                   => 'cinco',
        6                   => 'seis',
        7                   => 'sete',
        8                   => 'oito',
        9                   => 'nove',
        10                  => 'dez',
        11                  => 'onze',
        12                  => 'doze',
        13                  => 'treze',
        14                  => 'quatorze',
        15                  => 'quinze',
        16                  => 'dezesseis',
        17                  => 'dezessete',
        18                  => 'dezoito',
        19                  => 'dezenove',
        20                  => 'vinte',
        30                  => 'trinta',
        40                  => 'quarenta',
        50                  => 'cinquenta',
        60                  => 'sessenta',
        70                  => 'setenta',
        80                  => 'oitenta',
        90                  => 'noventa',
        100                 => 'cento',
        200                 => 'duzentos',
        300                 => 'trezentos',
        400                 => 'quatrocentos',
        500                 => 'quinhentos',
        600                 => 'seiscentos',
        700                 => 'setecentos',
        800                 => 'oitocentos',
        900                 => 'novecentos',
        1000                => 'mil',
        1000000             => array('milhão', 'milhões'),
        1000000000          => array('bilhão', 'bilhões'),
        1000000000000       => array('trilhão', 'trilhões'),
        1000000000000000    => array('quatrilhão', 'quatrilhões'),
        1000000000000000000 => array('quinquilhão', 'quinquilhões')

    if (!is_numeric($number)) {
        return false;

    if (($number >= 0 && (int) $number < 0) || (int) $number < 0 - PHP_INT_MAX) {
        // overflow
            'convert_number_to_words só aceita números entre ' . PHP_INT_MAX . ' à ' . PHP_INT_MAX,
        return false;

    if ($number < 0) {
        return $negative . convert_number_to_words(abs($number));

    $string = $fraction = null;

    if (strpos($number, '.') !== false) {
        list($number, $fraction) = explode('.', $number);

    switch (true) {
        case $number < 21:
            $string = $dictionary[$number];
        case $number < 100:
            $tens   = ((int) ($number / 10)) * 10;
            $units  = $number % 10;
            $string = $dictionary[$tens];
            if ($units) {
                $string .= $conjunction . $dictionary[$units];
        case $number < 1000:
            $hundreds  = floor($number / 100)*100;
            $remainder = $number % 100;
            $string = $dictionary[$hundreds];
            if ($remainder) {
                $string .= $conjunction . convert_number_to_words($remainder);
            $baseUnit = pow(1000, floor(log($number, 1000)));
            $numBaseUnits = (int) ($number / $baseUnit);
            $remainder = $number % $baseUnit;
            if ($baseUnit == 1000) {
                $string = convert_number_to_words($numBaseUnits) . ' ' . $dictionary[1000];
            } elseif ($numBaseUnits == 1) {
                $string = convert_number_to_words($numBaseUnits) . ' ' . $dictionary[$baseUnit][0];
            } else {
                $string = convert_number_to_words($numBaseUnits) . ' ' . $dictionary[$baseUnit][1];
            if ($remainder) {
                $string .= $remainder < 100 ? $conjunction : $separator;
                $string .= convert_number_to_words($remainder);

    if (null !== $fraction && is_numeric($fraction)) {
        $string .= $decimal;
        $words = array();
        foreach (str_split((string) $fraction) as $number) {
            $words[] = $dictionary[$number];
        $string .= implode(' ', $words);

    return $string;

echo '<pre>';

echo "123456789\n";
echo convert_number_to_words(123456789);
echo "\n\n";

echo "123456789.123\n";
echo convert_number_to_words(123456789.123);
echo "\n\n";

echo "-1922685.477\n";
echo convert_number_to_words(-1922685.477);
echo "\n\n";

echo "123456789123.12345\n";
echo convert_number_to_words(123456789123.12345); // rounds the fractional part
echo "\n\n";

echo "123456789123.12345\n";
echo convert_number_to_words('123456789123.12345'); // does not round

echo '</pre>';

Adapted function of link

20.11.2015 / 18:32

There is no native function of php for this, even because it would require an i18n to be able to describe extensively values of other languages, I believe the most advisable in this case is to use a class for this in ExtremoConhecimento has a function that solves this problem.


class Monetary {

  private static $unidades = array("um", "dois", "três", "quatro", "cinco", "seis", "sete", "oito", "nove", "dez", "onze", "doze",
    "treze", "quatorze", "quinze", "dezesseis", "dezessete", "dezoito", "dezenove");
  private static $dezenas = array("dez", "vinte", "trinta", "quarenta", "cinqüenta", "sessenta", "setenta", "oitenta", "noventa");
  private static $centenas = array("cem", "duzentos", "trezentos", "quatrocentos", "quinhentos",
    "seiscentos", "setecentos", "oitocentos", "novecentos");
  private static $milhares = array(
    array("text" => "mil", "start" => 1000, "end" => 999999, "div" => 1000),
    array("text" => "milhão", "start" => 1000000, "end" => 1999999, "div" => 1000000),
    array("text" => "milhões", "start" => 2000000, "end" => 999999999, "div" => 1000000),
    array("text" => "bilhão", "start" => 1000000000, "end" => 1999999999, "div" => 1000000000),
    array("text" => "bilhões", "start" => 2000000000, "end" => 2147483647, "div" => 1000000000)

  const MIN = 0.01;
  const MAX = 2147483647.99;
  const MOEDA = " real ";
  const MOEDAS = " reais ";
  const CENTAVO = " centavo ";
  const CENTAVOS = " centavos ";

  function numberToExt($number, $moeda = true) {
    if ($number >= self::MIN && $number <= self::MAX) {
      $value = self::conversionR((int) $number);
      if ($moeda) {
        if (floor($number) == 1) {
          $value. = self::MOEDA;
        } else if (floor($number) > 1)
          $value. = self::MOEDAS;

      $decimals = self::extractDecimals($number);
      if ($decimals > 0.00) {
        $decimals = round($decimals * 100);
        $value. = " e ".self::conversionR($decimals);
        if ($moeda) {
          if ($decimals == 1) {
            $value. = self::CENTAVO;
          } else if ($decimals > 1)
            $value. = self::CENTAVOS;
    return trim($value);

  private static
  function extractDecimals($number) {
    return $number - floor($number);

  function conversionR($number) {
    if (in_array($number, range(1, 19))) {
      $value = self::$unidades[$number - 1];
    } else if (in_array($number, range(20, 90, 10))) {
      $value = self::$dezenas[floor($number / 10) - 1].
      " ";
    } else if (in_array($number, range(21, 99))) {
      $value = self::$dezenas[floor($number / 10) - 1].
      " e ".self::conversionR($number % 10);
    } else if (in_array($number, range(100, 900, 100))) {
      $value = self::$centenas[floor($number / 100) - 1].
      " ";
    } else if (in_array($number, range(101, 199))) {
      $value = ' cento e '.self::conversionR($number % 100);
    } else if (in_array($number, range(201, 999))) {
      $value = self::$centenas[floor($number / 100) - 1].
      " e ".self::conversionR($number % 100);
    } else {
      foreach(self::$milhares as $item) {
        if ($number >= $item['start'] && $number <= $item['end']) {
          $value = self::conversionR(floor($number / $item['div'])).
          " ".$item['text'].
          " ".self::conversionR($number % $item['div']);
    return $value;


echo Monetary::numberToExt(500.00);


echo Monetary::numberToExt(500.00);


quinhentos reais
20.11.2015 / 17:06

Source: link

This was the best function I found. You can test with all possible values, if you find an error, let me know.

function extenso($valor = 0, $maiusculas = false) {
        $singular = ["centavo", "real", "mil", "milhão", "bilhão", "trilhão", "quatrilhão"];
        $plural = ["centavos", "reais", "mil", "milhões", "bilhões", "trilhões", "quatrilhões"];
        $u = ["", "um", "dois", "três", "quatro", "cinco", "seis",  "sete", "oito", "nove"];
        $singular = ["CENTAVO", "REAL", "MIL", "MILHÃO", "BILHÃO", "TRILHÃO", "QUADRILHÃO"];
        $u = ["", "um", "dois", "TRÊS", "quatro", "cinco", "seis",  "sete", "oito", "nove"];

    $c = ["", "cem", "duzentos", "trezentos", "quatrocentos", "quinhentos", "seiscentos", "setecentos", "oitocentos", "novecentos"];
    $d = ["", "dez", "vinte", "trinta", "quarenta", "cinquenta", "sessenta", "setenta", "oitenta", "noventa"];
    $d10 = ["dez", "onze", "doze", "treze", "quatorze", "quinze", "dezesseis", "dezesete", "dezoito", "dezenove"];

    $z = 0;
    $rt = "";

    $valor = number_format($valor, 2, ".", ".");
    $inteiro = explode(".", $valor);
    $inteiro[$i] = "0".$inteiro[$i];

    $fim = count($inteiro) - ($inteiro[count($inteiro)-1] > 0 ? 1 : 2);
    for ($i=0;$i<count($inteiro);$i++) {
        $valor = $inteiro[$i];
        $rc = (($valor > 100) && ($valor < 200)) ? "cento" : $c[$valor[0]];
        $rd = ($valor[1] < 2) ? "" : $d[$valor[1]];
        $ru = ($valor > 0) ? (($valor[1] == 1) ? $d10[$valor[2]] : $u[$valor[2]]) : "";

        $r = $rc.(($rc && ($rd || $ru)) ? " e " : "").$rd.(($rd &&
        $ru) ? " e " : "").$ru;
        $t = count($inteiro)-1-$i;
        $r .= $r ? " ".($valor > 1 ? $plural[$t] : $singular[$t]) : "";
        if ($valor == "000")$z++; elseif ($z > 0) $z--;
        if (($t==1) && ($z>0) && ($inteiro[0] > 0)) $r .= (($z>1) ? " de " : "").$plural[$t];
        if ($r) $rt = $rt . ((($i > 0) && ($i <= $fim) && ($inteiro[0] > 0) && ($z < 1)) ? ( ($i < $fim) ? ", " : " e ") : " ") . $r;

        $return = $rt ? $rt : "zero";
    } else {
        if ($rt) $rt = ereg_replace(" E "," e ",ucwords($rt));
            $return = ($rt) ? ($rt) : "Zero" ;

        return ereg_replace(" E "," e ",ucwords($return));
        return strtoupper($return);


$valor = 405.63;
$dim = extenso($valor);

$valor = number_format($valor, 2, ",", ".");

echo "R$ ".$valor." = ".$dim;



R $ 405.63 = Four Hundred and Five Reais and Sixty-three Centavos

19.10.2016 / 03:57

But if you just need something simple and have control of the input values, try this:

function numero_extenso($numero=0){
        $dicionario = array(
            1   => 'um',
            2   => 'dois',
            3   => 'três',
            4   => 'quatro',
            5   => 'cinco',
            6   => 'seis',
            7   => 'sete',
            8   => 'oito',
            9   => 'nove',
            10  => 'dez',
            11  => 'onze',
            12  => 'doze',
            13  => 'treze',
            14  => 'quatorze',
            15  => 'quinze',
            16  => 'dezesseis',
            17  => 'dezessete',
            18  => 'dezoito',
            19  => 'dezenove',
            20  => 'vinte',
            30  => 'trinta',
            40  => 'quarenta',
            50  => 'cinquenta',
            100 => 'cento');
        return $dicionario[$numero];
02.08.2018 / 02:41