Hello, I have a Solution that I am implementing the DDD architecture with Entityframework, migrations and SQL Server! However, I am not able to connect to my local database when performing the migrations command: 'Updata-database'! I believe that only with the Connectionstring inserted in the API WebConfig I can already make this connection. That's right? or do I have to do another DDD setup?
Currently my Connectionstring is as follows:
<add name="BWSDatabase"
Data Source=DESKTOP-PTI280V;
Integrated Security=True;
Connect Timeout=30;
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
In this way the tables are generated locally in a stay of SLQ Server express in SQL Server Object Explorer, as well as the photo below ...
I'm using the layered DDD, which are: 1- Services (API Layer) 2- Application (Development Layer) 3- Domain 4- Infra (Layer where migrations are)
I'm running the command through the 'Package Manager Console', and only the tables are generated, and if I run the command again it displays the message that it has no update in migrations
Thank you in advance.