They are tags that identify certain information within a documentation block or DocComment, introducing a context to the data and help self-documenting tools to separate the information.
In PHP for example, we can use the phpDocumentor tool, which will generate a document with all comments of classes, functions and variables added to the source code.
A list of tags (with description) can be found in the phpDocumentor documentation: link
In the text you provided, this block is presenting the PHPMailer package, created by Andy Prevost, Marcus Bointon and Jim Jagielski, copyrights being held by Jim Jagielski from 2010 to 2012 and kept with Andy Prevost from 2004 to 2009 , at the end the license type of this package is informed.
Tags and documentation do not influence anything in the code and can be deleted, its usefulness is only to allow understanding of that code snippet.
If you use some IDE to develop code, the documentation blocks will be displayed when using classes, methods, and variables by the system.