These events only work for parent article. With this code you can make the match between the one released in the editor and the dimensions, which should give to simulate what you want to do. In case of a directly launched child article the event already occurs.
Private Sub EditorVendas_ArtigoIdentificado(Artigo As String, NumLinha As Long, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim objlista As StdBELista
Dim objLinha As GcpBELinhaDocumentoVenda
If (BSO.Comercial.Artigos.DaValorAtributo(Artigo, "artigoPai") = "") Then
If (BSO.Comercial.Artigos.DaValorAtributo(Artigo, "TratamentoDim")) Then
Set objlista = New StdBELista
Set objlista = BSO.Comercial.Artigos.LstDimensoes(Artigo)
Do While Not objlista.NoFim
For Each objLinha In Me.DocumentoVenda.Linhas
If objLinha.Artigo = objlista("Artigo") Then
Debug.Print "OK"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub