Good evening (or any shift if you are from the future).
Well, my problem is objective, but so far without a solution.
I developed an entire project on my windows PC using XAMPP.
As the system has several classes I'm using autoload of the composer as follows:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"persistencia\": "libs/persistencia/",
"sistema\": "libs/sistema/"
Folder structure:
├── persistencia
│ ├── categoriaproduto.php
│ ├── cliente.php
│ ├── contrato.php
│ ├── funcionario.php
│ ├── itemcontrato.php
│ ├── mensageiro.php
│ ├── modelodados.php
│ ├── persistenciaexception.php
│ ├── persistencia.php
│ ├── produto.php
│ ├── relatorio.php
│ └── tipoacesso.php
└── sistema
├── logger.php
├── sistemaexception.php
└── sistema.php
Running the system in XAMPP here on my Win was all ok. The problem occurs when I prepared a ubuntu server, apache, mysql, php7.2.
I installed the composer, downloaded the files from my site I ran the "composer install" and the result was:
Uncaught Error: Class 'System \ System' not found in /var/www/html/api.php:18
The code in question is this:
if(Config::REQUISITAR_LOGIN) // Se for nescesário estar logado para usar o sistema
testarLogin(); //Impedindo acesso de usuários não logados
header('Content-Type: application/json');
if(Config::CORS) //Checando se deve ou não habilitar Cross Origin
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");
if(!Config::EXIBIR_ERROS) {// Impedindo ou não a exibição de erros
ini_set('display_errors', 0);
use sistema\Sistema;
try {
$sistema = new Sistema; /*ESSA É A LINHA 18 QUE DEVIA FUNCIONAR*/
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo '{"status": "falha", "erro": "'.$e->getMessage().'"}';
exit(0); // A API não pode funcionar sem o sistema
The problem should not be in how I wrote the composer, because it was working until I changed the platform.
In the end, I did not find answers that could help me, so thanks to those who volunteer.