Hello, Good Morning
I made the implementation of a network, and it has the following matrix, where f (x) is an input vector (matrix 1,139), the matrix phi that has dimension 1.20 (20 due to the number of signals that I used it to train it) and w as the weights that are of dimension 20.1
for k in range(0,20):
for item in range(0,139):
substract += (s[0,item] - phi[0,k]) # phi = 20,20
mod = np.linalg.norm(substract)
substract = 0
if(mod > 0):
substract = (mod*mod)*math.log10(mod)
mod = 0
substract = 0
Sn = 20, due to the number of pro training entries
Problem of this network is that it always returns a value very close to each other, since the answers should be between 0 and 10
Note: I use the r²log (r) function