Get the Connection String for Engines @PRIMAVERA


When executing the command BSO.DSO.BDAPL.ConnectionString the engine returned the user and the password of the instance where the spring is running. Since the update I made yesterday that returns me the String without User and password.


Provider = SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated Security = SSPI; Persist Security   Info = False; Initial Catalog = PRIKIFARMACIA; Date   Source = INC185N \ V9_CI_AS; Use Procedure for Prepare = 1; Auto   Translate = True; Packet Size = 4096; Workstation ID = INC185N; Use Encryption   for Data = False; Tag with column collation when possible = False;

Someone who has recently updated Spring knows how I can get this data via engines?

asked by anonymous 28.08.2018 / 18:05

1 answer


For some time you have removed the database access information in the ConnectionString property of BDAPL , but you will be able to access this information from the following method:

PlataformaPRIMAVERA.BaseDados.DaConnectionStringNET(BSO.Contexto.CodEmp, BSO.Contexto.Instancia)

The first parameter refers to the database code and the second to the instance (which by default is Default ).

28.08.2018 / 19:59