If you are using the Step Table Output to perform the inserts, it is worth remembering that if you do not specify where each column should be inserted, Pentaho will behave assuming that the table received is in the same order as the Bank table, for that reason the data from the third input column (name_name) was inserted into the third column of the table (deep_inf).
Solution 1 (the easiest) - Match the layout of the input table to the layout of the database table. This can be done through the 'Select Values' step. Just mirror the layouts, if the input table does not have all the columns in the database table, you can create columns with empty values with the step 'Add constants'.
Solution 2 (not so difficult) - In the step Table output, in the 'Database fields' tab you can specify which data will be entered in which fields of the database table (such as a de-para). It is good practice to make the names of both tables identical so there are no major problems.