I'm developing a program that reads a whole line, takes the last three values and replaces the comma by point, and then transforms this number to double. But I'm not able to develop a method if the number is, for example, 1**.**345,50
The point needs to be deleted in these cases first so that I can then replace the comma by point and subsequently convert to double.
Follow the code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX_LINE 500
double strtodouble (char *array[MAX_LINE], int position){
double num;
char *ptr;
ptr = strpbrk(array[position], ","); //retorna um ponteiro para a posição da string ","
if(ptr != NULL) *ptr = '.'; //faz a substituição da ',' por '.'
num = atof(array[position]); //converte string para float printf("num = %f", num);
return num;
int main(void)
char sFrase[]="1337-000/2018 01/10/2018 KI BARATO MERCEARIA DE DESCONT SECRETARIA DA CAMARA SECRETARIA DA CAMARA AÇÃO LEGISLATIVA Dispensa - Isento Compras e Serviços 2.343,50 343,40 343,30";
int count = 0;
char *p = strtok(sFrase, " ");
char *array[500];
//float valor = atof(*array);
char *ptr;
double num1, num2, num3;
while (p)
array[count] = p;
p = strtok (NULL, " ");
//printf("%s\n", array[cont-1]);
//printf("%s\n", array[cont-2]);
//printf("%s\n", array[cont-3]);
//array[cont-3] = 343,50
num1 = strtodouble(array, count-3);
printf("\nESTE É O VALOR EMPENHADO --> %2.2f", num1 );
num2 = strtodouble(array, count-2);
printf("\nESTE É O VALOR LiQUIDADO --> %2.2f", num2 );
num3 = strtodouble(array, count-1);
printf("\nESTE É O VALOR PAGO --> %2.2f\n", num3 );
return 0;