Well I would like to know if there is a better method than this: it looks for everything that has skin_type == 2, and I wanted to do several types to sell, would I have a way to get item by item and by in a div or just like that?
$consulta = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM homesite");
$consulta -> execute();
$linhas = $consulta -> rowCount();
foreach($consulta as $mostra):
<div class="card">
if ($mostra['skin_tipo'] == 2) {?>
<img class="skin"src="images/<?= $mostra['skin_img']?>" alt="Nome da Empresa:
<?= $mostra['skin_nome']?>" title="Nome da Empresa: <?= $mostra['skin_nome']?>">
<div class="info">
<h1 class="color-white text-center font-text-light-med font-weight-heavy bgcolor-black"><?= $mostra['skin_nome']?></h1>
<p class="preccor">Por: R$ <?= number_format($mostra['skin_preco'], 2,',','.')?></p>
<button class="bgcolor-red text-center btn"><a href="comprar.php?prod=<?= $mostra['id_skin']?>">Comprar</a></button>
<?php } ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>