Example of responsive menu with angle 5+


I took an angled project and the menu is responsive, however the programmer did not do it with angular, did not create a component, it did separate with javascript and "docked" in the project. I think it's a gambiarra. Is it possible to make a responsive menu using angled component? What would be the most elegant way to do it?

Type this menu using angled component: link

asked by anonymous 06.10.2018 / 04:38

1 answer


Good morning, you can use the Angular Material that the official Angular library for screen components.

In it among several components, there is the mat-menu component which is just a dropdown menu ready, as you are looking for.

The component documentation, as well as examples, can be found at the link below: link

To add angular material as a dependency on your project you must follow the following instructions: link

I hope I have helped.

08.10.2018 / 16:35