It has become common for me to find codes in github that start like this:
'use strict';
I just never understood the following. What is the purpose of using ';' before starting the function declaration?
It has become common for me to find codes in github that start like this:
'use strict';
I just never understood the following. What is the purpose of using ';' before starting the function declaration?
Semicolon is used to make sure that the previous statement has been terminated.
For example:
(function() {
})() // <--- Não tem ponto e vírgula
// Adicionado ponto e vírgula para evitar um resultado inesperado do código anterior
;(function ($) {
The name of this technique is IIFE ( Immediately-Invoked Function Expression ).
Auto-invocation functions are built between parentheses, putting a semicolon before the function start can prevent the function from becoming part of any predecessor code, note that:
The code
var a = 10
It's the same as
var a = 10 (function(){...})()
Now putting the semicolon, you avoid this type of eventual problem in your code
var a = 10