I would like some information, examples or tutorials how to research and what to study to be able to develop this project. I have ready ja database and some web service components would like to know how to implement it on android.
I would like some information, examples or tutorials how to research and what to study to be able to develop this project. I have ready ja database and some web service components would like to know how to implement it on android.
You can use KSOAP .
Access is simple:
// Criar o objeto SOAP
SoapObject soap = new SoapObject(namespace, metodo);
//Setar parametros
soap.addPropoerty(nome, valor);
//Envelopar Requisição
SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope = new SoapSerializationEnvelope(
Then just call the service:
HttpTransportSE httpTransport = new HttpTransportSE(url);
httpTransport.call("", envelope);
I removed all this from this tutorial here . I suggest you read it if you have any questions.