Problems with .htaccess in Lampstack


I have the following problem.

I have a website that uses htaccess. I work locally on the website and it works normally, all redirects work perfectly. When I went to upload my application to the ratification server (an Amazon ec2 with Bitnami Lampstack) my redirects stopped working. It recognizes htaccess, it even works on some links, but it does not work the same as my local environment. Anyone have any idea what it might be?

Follow the htaccess code

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
   RewriteEngine On

   RewriteRule ^Paginas/(.*)/(.*)-([0-9]+)?$ Paginas.php?Codigo=$3 [L]

   RewriteRule ^Programas/(.*)/(.*)-([0-9]+)?$ Programas.php?Codigo=$3 [L]

   RewriteRule ^Videos/?$ Videos.php [L]

   RewriteRule ^Videos/(.*)-([0-9]+)?$ VideosDetalhes.php?Codigo=$2 [L]

   RewriteRule ^Galerias/?$ Galerias.php [L]
   RewriteRule ^Galerias/Categorias/(.*)-([0-9]+)?$ GaleriasCategorias.php?Codigo=$2 [L]
   RewriteRule ^Galerias/(.*)-([0-9]+)?$ GaleriasDetalhes.php?Codigo=$2 [L]

   RewriteRule ^Unidades/?$ Unidades.php [L]
   RewriteRule ^Unidades/(.*)/(.*)-([0-9]+)?$ UnidadesDetalhes.php?Codigo=$3 [L]
   RewriteRule ^Unidades/(.*)/(.*)-([0-9]+)/retorno/?$ UnidadesDetalhesRetorno.php?Codigo=$3 [L]

   RewriteRule ^Noticias/?$ Noticias.php [L]
   RewriteRule ^Noticias/(.*)-([0-9]+)?$ NoticiasDetalhes.php?Codigo=$2 [L]

   RewriteRule ^Contato/?$ FaleConosco.php [L]

   RewriteRule ^Trabalhe-Conosco/?$ TrabalheConosco.php [L]

   RewriteRule ^Depoimentos/?$ Depoimentos.php [L]
   RewriteRule ^Depoimentos/(.*)-([0-9]+)?$ DepoimentosDetalhes.php?Codigo=$2 [L]

   RewriteRule ^Intercambio/Busca/?$ DestinosBusca.php [L]

   RewriteRule ^Busca/?$ Busca.php [L]

   RewriteRule ^Intercambio-em-Grupo/?$ Formulario1.php [L]

   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
   RewriteRule .* LinkSlug.php?Link=$0 [L]

asked by anonymous 22.10.2014 / 19:30

1 answer


Well, as it is with a specific server it is difficult to pinpoint the problem, in a quick web search I found a similar case and the solution was as follows

Create a file named rewrite.conf in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled in this file put the following line: LoadModule rewrite_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

After this restart apache: sudo service apache2 restart

In addition you can add the following in your .htaccess RewriteBase /

Hope it works for you

22.10.2014 / 19:45