How to split a multi-part image with a link?


I would like to know how to split an image that can have multiple parts so that I can set the number of parts, and assign a different link to each part.


If the parts can assume any geometric shape, it would be great.

asked by anonymous 19.11.2014 / 19:22

2 answers


Use the map and area tags of the html, as in the example below

Well summarizing you can create a shape for the link and pass the coordinates, each number is an x, y coordinate.

In the case I drew a square by passing 4 points, x: 155, and: 156, x: 155, and: 213, x: 216, and: 217, x: 227,

To add another link (dividing the image into several parts) just put another area with the coordinates.

  border:1px solid red;
<img src=""alt="" usemap="#Map" />>

<map name="Map" id="Map">
  <area alt="" title="" href="#" shape="poly" coords="155,156,155,213,216,217,227,156" />

There are some sites that automatically generate the "mapping" code like this: link

19.11.2014 / 19:35

I believe you can do this using background-image and background-position , as follows:

<a href="link" class="img parte1"></a>
<a href="link" class="img parte2"></a>
<a href="link" class="img parte3"></a>

.img {
   display: block;
   width:200px;  /* Tamanho das partes 200x200 */

.parte1 {
  background-position: x y; // posicione x, y de acordo com sua necessidade 

.parte2 {
   background-position: x y; // posicione x, y de acordo com sua necessidade

.parte3 {
   background-position: x y; // posicione x, y de acordo com sua necessidade 

Here's an example of the above technique JSFiddle .

19.11.2014 / 19:34