Hello, I want to make a function to insert the data into the table, it is not returning anything, just look at the code:
function insertInto ($tabela, $colunas=array(), $valores=array()) {
foreach ( $valores as $valor ){
$valor = implode(',', $valores);
return $valor;
foreach ($colunas as $coluna){
$coluna = implode(',', $colunas);
return $coluna;
$sql = "INSERT INTO $tabela ($coluna) VALUES ('$valor')";
$handle = mysql_query($sql, $conexaobd) or die(mysql_error());
if(!$this->query($sql, $coluna)->error()){
return true;
return false;
this is the data code to insert into the table;
if ($_POST['status_atual'] != $_POST['status'])
$tabela = 'editais_status_historico';
$colunas = 'id_edital';
$colunas .= 'login_usuario';
$colunas .= 'data';
$colunas .= 'estado_anterior';
$colunas .= 'estado_novo';
$valores = $_POST['status'];
$valores .= $_POST['status_atual'];
$valores .= $_POST['idedital'];
$valores .= $_SESSION['user'];
$valores .= date("Y-m-d") . ' ' . date("H:i:s");
$status = $_POST['status'];
$status_atual = $_POST['status_atual'];
$id_edital = '0';
$id_usuario = $_SESSION['user'];
$data = date("Y-m-d") . ' ';
$data .= date("H:i:s");
insertInto($tabela, $colunas, $valores);