If I understand the meaning of the fields in the tables, you can get it like this:
select u.usuario_id as idUsuario,
u.nome as nomeUsuario,
a.id_remenente as idAmigo,
a.sao_amigos as IndicadorDeAmigo,
p.post_id as idDoPost
from usuario as u
inner join amizades as a on u.usuario_id = a.id_destinatario
inner join posts as p on a.id_remenente = p.id_autor
where u.usuario_id = 1
and a.sao_amigos = 1
I made join
of all tables considering that you want to get the posts that a friend sends to the logged in user, then:
All users join
with friendships where the logged in user is the recipient of the post u.usuario_id = a.id_destinatario
Doing join with post where the sender of the message (friend of the logged in user who sends the message) is the owner of the post a.id_remenente = p.id_autor
Filtering everything from the logged-in user 1
and who is friend ( a.sao_amigos = 1
Here's the Fiddle with it working.
In Fiddle, Ricardo is the logged-in user, Daniel and Felipe sent posts to him, but only Daniel is a friend, so only Daniel's post appeared.
According to the comment, you can do this: ( Fiddle )
select *
from posts
where id_autor in
(select id_destinatario
from amizades
where id_remenente = 1
and sao_amigos = 1)
select *
from posts
where id_autor in
(select id_remenente
from amizades
where id_destinatario = 1
and sao_amigos = 1)
Get all posts from a user who received a friend request from the logged in user and confirmed plus all posts from a user who submitted a request to the logged in user and the user accepted.