Speak master then I found it for you, yes you can do job in mysql as you speak on this site: link
Something like this example:
EVENT 'archive_blogs'
ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 WEEK STARTS '2011-07-24 03:00:00'
-- copy deleted posts
INSERT INTO blog_archive (id, title, content)
SELECT id, title, content
FROM blog
WHERE deleted = 1;
-- copy associated audit records
INSERT INTO audit_archive (id, blog_id, changetype, changetime)
SELECT audit.id, audit.blog_id, audit.changetype, audit.changetime
FROM audit
JOIN blog ON audit.blog_id = blog.id
WHERE blog.deleted = 1;
-- remove deleted blogs and audit entries
DELETE FROM blog WHERE deleted = 1;
END */$$
Just adapt to your need and good.
Adding full reference to the event: link