Yes, this is possible: (I'll give you an explanation above, because in case you requested only the possibility)
Connect your phone to the Arduino:
- By Bluetooth: - You should use the MIT App Inventor to make your Android app and prepare your arduino code to take action as soon as you receive the information from the phone through the serial port of the shield HC05 or HC06 (Bluetooth). light led by arduino and android)
- By Http (web) - You should use the Ethernet shield, where in there you will develop the page in HTTP as soon as it receives the reference link, eg:
it receives on the serial port ?acendaled
e ?apagaled
and run the functions within the program as you want to associate type as soon as it receives? acendeled lights the LED on port 11:
if(readString.indexOf("?acendeled") >0) {
The advantage of using Ethernet Shield is that you can run from any cell phone, I suggest using buttons and responsive bootstrap tables because it fits the screen size.
I hope I have helped, [] 's