I am doing an IQA (Water Quality Index) exercise where I need to conduct a series of accounts. I created the functions and everything but always the result always comes out the way it is in the image, I have already tested the isolated function and the result is. Thanks for the help.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
*OX - Oxigênio Dissolvido *
*CF - Coliformes Fecais *
*ph - Potencial Hidrogeniônico *
*dbo - Demanda Bioquimica de Oxigênio (DBO = 5,20) *
*nt - Nitrogênio Total *
*ft - Fosforo Total *
*st - *
*dt - *
* - Temperatura *
*sg - soma geral das variavels acima (verificar utilidade) *
*produtorio - fatorial de cada elemento (verificar utilidade) *
* *
* Começo das funções *
* *
double q1 (double index) // Coliformes fecais
double a = 98.03, b = -36.45, c = 3.138, d = 0.06776;
printf("Parametro para Coliformes Fecais\n");
if (index > 1e5) return 3.0;
index = a + (b * (log(index))) + (c * pow((log10(index)), 2)) + (d * pow((log10(index)), 3));
return index;
double q2 (double index) // Potencial Hidrogeniônico
double a = 0.05421, b = 1.23, c = -0.09873;
printf("Parametro de pH\n");
if ( index >= 12) return 3.0;
if ( index <= 2) return 2.0;
index = a * pow(index, ((b * index) - (c * pow(index,2)))) + 5.231;
return index;
double q3 (double index) // Demanda Bioquimica de Oxigenio
double a = 102.6, b = -0.01101;
printf("Demanda Bioquimica de Oxigênio\n");
if ( index > 30 ) return 2.0;
index = a * exp(b*index );
return index;
double q4 (double index) // Nitrogenio Total
double a = 98.96, b = -0.2232, c = -0.006457;
printf("Nitrogenio total\n");
if ( index > 90 ) return 1.0;
index = a * pow(index, (b + (c * index)));
return index;
double q5 (double index) // Fosforo Total
double a = 213.7, b = -1.680, c = 0.3325;
if ( index > 10.0 ) return 5.0;
index = a * exp(b * pow(index, c));
return index;
double q6 (double index) // Temperatura
double a = 0.0003869, b = 0.1815, c = 0.01081;
if ( index <= -5) return 1;
if ( index > 15) return 9;
index = 1 / (a*pow(index + b, 2)+c);
return index;
double q7 (double index) // Turbidez
double a = 97.34, b = -0.0139, c = -0.04917;
if ( index > 100) return 5.0;
index = a*exp((b*index)+(c*sqrt(index )));
double q8 (double index) // Sólidos totais
double a = 80.26, b = -0.00107, c = 0.03009, d = -0.1185;
if ( index > 500 ) return 30.0;
index = (a*exp((b*index) + (c*sqrt(index)))) + (d*index);
double q9 (double index) // Oxigênio dissolvido
double a = 100.8, b = -106.0, c = -3745.0;
if ( index > 140.0 ) return 47;
index = a * exp (pow((index + b), 2)/ c);
return index;
typedef double (*func) (double);
int main (void)
double parametros;
double iqa = 1;
int i;
func funcao[9] = {q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7, q8, q9};
double peso[9] = {0.15, 0.12, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.08, 0.08, 0.17};
// Função q7 com problema, ajustar
for (i=0; i<7; i++)
scanf("%lf", ¶metros);
iqa *= pow(funcao[i](parametros), peso[i]);
printf("Peso : %lf\n", peso[i]);
printf("IQA = %lf\n", iqa);
* *
* TESTE F7 *
* *
/*#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void)
double index;
double a = 97.34, b = -0.0139, c = -0.04917;
scanf("%lf", &index);
if ( index > 100) return 5.0;
index = a * exp ((b*index)+(c*sqrt(index )));
printf("Index = %lf\n", index);
return 0;