I have this code and as you can see I created two examples, Parallel and NotParallel.
I was hoping that both of them would return me 3000ms, as both should run async (2000 and 3000) and the total time would be 3000, but the NonParallel, is taking 5000ms, where is the sum of the two, looking like one expects the other to finish .. even with async.
static class Program
static async Task<string> GetTaskAsync(int timeout)
Console.WriteLine("Task Thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
await Task.Delay(timeout);
return timeout.ToString();
static async Task Main()
Console.WriteLine("Main Thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
Console.WriteLine("Should be greater than 5000");
await Watch(NotParallel);
Console.WriteLine("Should be less than 5000");
await Watch(Parallel);
public static async Task Parallel()
var res1 = GetTaskAsync(2000);
var res2 = GetTaskAsync(3000);
Console.WriteLine("result: " + await res1 + await res2);
public static async Task NotParallel()
var res1 = await GetTaskAsync(2000);
var res2 = await GetTaskAsync(3000);
Console.WriteLine("result: " + res1 + res2);
private static async Task Watch(Func<Task> func) {
var sw = new Stopwatch();
await func?.Invoke();
Console.WriteLine("Elapsed: " + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
Result Example: