Inno Setup desktop shortcut via code


I would like to create a shortcut on the desktop via code by inno setup I need to disable the option to create an "exe" in the main folder and it is disabled to by shortcut on the desktop and I need to via code

asked by anonymous 08.08.2016 / 22:53

1 answer


Good morning,

Using the inno setup I create the desktop icon, following the code below as an example. In my case where it says "Systec Smart" is the name I want it to be.

;cria no menu iniciar
Name: "{userdesktop}\Systec Smart"; Filename: "{app}\Systec\SystecSmart\{#MyAppExeName}"; IconFilename: "{app}\Systec\SystecSmart\{#MyAppExeName}";         Parameters: "SystecSmart.exe"; Comment: "Systec Smart"

I hope I have helped!

26.09.2016 / 13:48