CNPJ Webservice


I need to get some CNPJ data for my registration system, I found this webservice in interwebs.

GET - link

But I'm not able to implement PHP code.

Could you help me?

Sorry guys,

Here is my attempt to implement:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

<!-- Adicionando JQuery -->
<script src="//"></script>

<!-- Adicionando Javascript -->
<script type="text/javascript" >

    $(document).ready(function() {

        function limpa_formulário_cnpj() {
            // Limpa valores do formulário de cnpj.

        //Quando o campo cnpj perde o foco.
        $("#cnpj").blur(function() {

            //Nova variável "cnpj" somente com dígitos.
            var cnpj = $(this).val().replace(/\D/g, '');

            //Verifica se campo cnpj possui valor informado.
            if (cnpj != "") {

                //Expressão regular para validar o CNPJ.
                var validacnpj = /^[0-9]/;

                //Valida o formato do CNPJ.
                if(validacnpj.test(cnpj)) {

                    //Preenche os campos com "..." enquanto consulta webservice.

                    $.getJSON(""+ cnpj, function(dados) {

                        if (!("erro" in dados)) {
                            //Atualiza os campos com os valores da consulta.
                        } //end if.
                        else {
                            //Cnpj pesquisado não foi encontrado.
                            alert("CNPJ não encontrado.");
                } //end if.
                else {
                    //cnpj é inválido.
                    alert("Formato de CNPJ inválido.");
            } //end if.
            else {
                //cnpj sem valor, limpa formulário.


<!-- Inicio do formulario -->
  <form method="get" action=".">
    <input name="cnpj" type="text" id="cnpj" value="" size="10" maxlength="19" /></label><br />
    <input name="logradouro" type="text" id="logradouro" size="60" /></label><br />
    <input name="bairro" type="text" id="bairro" size="40" /></label><br />
    <input name="municipio" type="text" id="municipio" size="40" /></label><br />
    <input name="uf" type="text" id="uf" size="2" /></label><br />
    <input name="nome" type="text" id="nome" size="8" /></label><br />

asked by anonymous 21.07.2016 / 23:33

3 answers


As the question asks in PHP , I will respond with this if anyone has the same doubt ...

In PHP you have two options for downloading web content. You can use both the file_get_contents function and < cURL

With PHP you will not have problems with Cross-Origin , but you may have blocking issues due to Header , but depending on the case, you can still use .

The file_get_contents function was created to read input data, files, and so on. However, you can use it for requests as well.


$cnpj = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "cnpj", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

if (empty($cnpj)) die("Informe um CNPJ");

echo file_get_contents("{$cnpj}");

As for the cURL function, it is an "extension" that connects to libcurl . This library allows you to make requests with several protocols, including: link , ftp , gopher , telnet .


$cnpj = filter_input(INPUT_GET, "cnpj", FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

if (empty($cnpj)) die("Informe um CNPJ");

$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
    /* Define URL */
    CURLOPT_URL            => "{$cnpj}",

    /* Informa que você quer o retorno */

     * (Opcional)
     * Como há limitações para acessar a URL acima,
     * Você pode utilziar proxies para evitar isso.

/* Acessa URL e captura o retorno */
$response = curl_exec($ch);

/* Fecha a conexão */

echo $response;

To learn more about both, I leave the question hint Difference between file_get_contents and curl?

To access through JavaScript , simply use XMLHttpRequest or similar.

$.getJSON("consulta_cnpj.php?cnpj="+ cnpj, function(dados) {

    if (!("erro" in dados)) {
    else {
        alert("CNPJ não encontrado.");
19.02.2018 / 06:55

The problem is that you are doing a Cross-Origin request. This means that your domain is trying to access via another Domain Client, which is not normally allowed.

To solve your problem you have two ways:

1 - Use an API that already allows this, such as link

2 - Use an access proxy that does Cross Origin, such as link or link .

How would this look:

$.getJSON(""+ cnpj, function(dados)
17.11.2017 / 03:45

The secret here is getJSON does not take direct from revenue: $.getJSON(""+ cnpj, function(dados) but rather create a file that creates a JSON and then yes get his data: $.getJSON("pegaCNPJ.php?cnpj="+ cnpj, function(dados)

Must be valid JSON. See my:

{ "atividade_principal": "Aluguel de outras máquinas e equipamentos comerciais e industriais não especificados anteriormente, sem operador", "fantasia": "CALPHER", "nome": "CAXR MAQXAS E EQUXNTOS LTDA", "cnpj": "11.036.404/9991-04", "logradouro": "R ALFREDO ACHCAR,", "numero": "XXXX-A", "complemento": "EDIF: X;", "bairro": "NOVA VILA", "municipio": "CAFUNDO", "uf": "SP", "cep": "XX.XX0-000", "telefone": "(19) XXXX-6XXX / (19) XXX9-XXX2", "email": "[email protected]", "status": "OK" }

11.09.2018 / 17:10