Get complete XML content without removing the tags


I need to get the complete contents of an XML file to insert it into the database. I've tried fopen but it removes the tags, and with simplexml_load_file returns array.

$ponteiro = fopen ($arquivo,"r");
while (!feof ($ponteiro)) {
$linha = fgets($ponteiro);
echo $linha."<br>";
fclose ($ponteiro);

So it returns only the content in text without the tags. Example of a complete XML part:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<nfeProc versao="3.10" xmlns="">
<NFe xmlns="">
<infNFe versao="3.10" Id="NFe3516............">

I need to read an XML file from a folder and save it to MYSQL

asked by anonymous 04.09.2016 / 20:01

1 answer


The content is returning perfect with the tags, it is normal not to see them on the screen, because the browser tries to interpret as HTML.

Just a small correction, if you want to see the output from the browser:

$ponteiro = fopen( $arquivo, 'r' );
while ( !feof ($ponteiro) ) {
   $linha = fgets( $ponteiro );
   echo htmlentities( $linha )."<br>\n";
fclose ($ponteiro);

Note that we have not changed anything in reading, we only add htmlentities() to echo , so that tags are "escaped" correctly for HTML display.

To save to a variable or DB, you do not need htmlentities , use the data the way it is read.


If you want to read the file in only one step:

$xml = file_get_contents( $arquivo );
echo nl2br( htmlentities( $xml ) );

This option is good when the file is not so large and can be read in memory and processed in a single step, which is often the case with XMLs.




The nl2br is used to transform line breaks into <br> tags to make reading easier

04.09.2016 / 20:37