I was able to resolve this as follows.
On the page that had the button that sent the content to whatsapp, it looked like this:
<a href='whatsapp://send' data-text='' data-href='http://playfcapp.com.br/gol/?id=".$regis_01['id']."' class='wa_btn wa_btn_l' style='display:none'><div id='social_whatsapp' style='background:url(http://playfcapp.com.br/gol/img/social_whatsapp.png) center center no-repeat #10c246; background-size:contain; height:38px; margin-top:10px;'></div></a>
but not in iOS 10 the button did not work (it was out of action), only when the link was whatsapp: // send.
So I tried to send it first to a web page where the user would be redirected to whatsapp, it did not work because the app tried to open this page through Phonegap's Webview, when I sent it to open the default browser it worked:
window.open('"endereço da página de redirecionamento"', '_system', 'location=no');
_system makes all the difference as the webview can not open whatsapp.