BitBucket Repository with SourceTree, Visual Studio Project


I am creating a new project in Visual Studio 2015 , I created the repository in BitBucket , so I created the project, the problem and that when one of the project users of a Push it does not update.

For example: I added the% class of% in the Teste project and gave Dominio but when the other user gives Push this class does not appear in Pull even though it is in the project folder. Does anyone know anything about it?

I searched in the here and elsewhere and found nothing about it if this is not a sure place to ask let me know.

EDIT: I'm giving Push by SourceTree, the first time I added the layer below which is a Classlibrary, csproj was, but then it was not anymore, here is my solution explorer

    ## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.

# User-specific files

# User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio)

# Build results
asked by anonymous 17.10.2016 / 15:31

1 answer


It is important to note if the .csproj file is also going to be in the Commit and if there was no conflict in it. Git itself now provides a .gitattributes file with information to resolve these conflicts. If you uncomment it, you will solve this problem, see below :

# Set the merge driver for project and solution files
# Merging from the command prompt will add diff markers to the files if there
# are conflicts (Merging from VS is not affected by the settings below, in VS
# the diff markers are never inserted). Diff markers may cause the following 
# file extensions to fail to load in VS. An alternative would be to treat
# these files as binary and thus will always conflict and require user
# intervention with every merge. To do so, just uncomment the entries below
*.sln       merge=binary
*.csproj    merge=binary
#*.vbproj    merge=binary
#*.vcxproj   merge=binary
#*.vcproj    merge=binary
#*.dbproj    merge=binary
#*.fsproj    merge=binary
#*.lsproj    merge=binary
#*.wixproj   merge=binary
#*.modelproj merge=binary
#*.sqlproj   merge=binary
#*.wwaproj   merge=binary
18.10.2016 / 12:40