Fluent NHibernate - key mapping composed one to many


I'm having a problem mapping an entity to Fluent NHibernate .

I have a 1-N relationship with the two tables in the bank having composite keys.

When I try to list my User entity it returns an error, but this happens only when I create the relationship with the entity AccessDepartment


public class UsuarioMap : ClassMap<Usuario>
    public UsuarioMap()
            .KeyProperty(x => x.Email, "Usuario")
            .KeyReference(x => x.Empresa, "CodEmp")
            .KeyProperty(x => x.CodigoFilial, "Filial");

        Map(x => x.Nome, "Nome");
        Map(x => x.AcessoTodosDepartamentos, "AllDeptos");
        Map(x => x.AcessoTodosPedidos, "allPed");
        Map(x => x.Email, "email");
        Map(x => x.NivelUsuario, "UsrTipo")

        References<Empresa>(x => x.Empresa, "CodEmp");
        References<CentroCusto>(x => x.CentroCusto, "CCusto");
        References<Departamento>(x => x.Departamento)

        HasMany<AcessoDepartamento>(x => x.AcessoDepartamentos)


public class AcessoDepartamentoMap : ClassMap<AcessoDepartamento>
    public AcessoDepartamentoMap()
            .KeyProperty(x => x.AcessoDep, "AcessoDep")
            .KeyReference(x => x.Departamento, "CodDep");

        Map(x => x.CodigoFilial, "Filial");

        References<Departamento>(x => x.Departamento)
        References<Empresa>(x => x.Empresa)

I've tried everything I've ever seen from the searches I've done and nothing so far, but this bug keeps coming back:


Foreign key (FK44A92FD8F30CB372: AccessDep [AccessDep])) must have same   number of columns as the referenced primary key (User,   CodEmp, Branch])

How can I resolve?

asked by anonymous 20.05.2016 / 18:37

1 answer


I found this answer in Stack Overflow in English, but in my experience something like this helps and even solves:

HasMany<AcessoDepartamento>(x => x.AcessoDepartamentos)
  .KeyColumns.Add("AcessoDep", "CodDep").Cascade.All(); 
11.02.2017 / 01:02