I have an application whose unit tests are in full operation, except for write operations in the database. No data is recorded. When forcing a flush, I got the message stating that no transaction was in progress, even though the BusinessController method was annotated with @Transactional
. Everything works correctly in the normal execution of the application inside JBoss, only in test cases the problem manifests itself. My persistence.xml
is below:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/persistence/persistence_2_0.xsd">
<persistence-unit name="restaurante-ds" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
<property name="hibernate.dialect" value="org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect"/>
<property name="hibernate.connection.driver_class" value="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver" />
<property name="hibernate.connection.url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@servidororacle" />
<property name="hibernate.connection.username" value="username" />
<property name="hibernate.connection.password" value="password" />
<property name="hibernate.default_schema" value="schema" />
<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
<property name="hibernate.format_sql" value="true" />
What's missing?
Update 1
As per guideline, the /src/test/resources/META-INF/beans.xml
file has been changed to contain the Demoiselle interceptor class, as below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<beans xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/beans_1_0.xsd">
The behavior actually changed since before the call of the insert()
method of my BusinessController
( restauranteUnidadeBC
) did not perform any operation in the BD, but now I get an exception with the following message:
Você está tentando obter um objeto não reconhecido pelo CDI via Beans.getReference(javax.transaction.UserTransaction)
Apparently there is still something missing. The test code follows below:
public void shouldAbrirCaixaComUsuarioLogado() {
// Arrange
Pessoa operador = pessoaBC.byChave("11111111111");
RestauranteUnidade unidade = new RestauranteUnidade("Teste");
unidade = restauranteUnidadeBC.insert(unidade); // <<<< EXCEÇÃO AQUI!!!
BigDecimal valorAbertura = new BigDecimal(10.50);
// Act
The first invocation, which gets the operator works as expected.
Update 2
In order to give more subsidies, I provide the exceptions trace corresponding to the error:
br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.DemoiselleException: Você está tentando obter um objeto não reconhecido pelo CDI via Beans.getReference(javax.transaction.UserTransaction)
at br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.util.Beans.getReference(Beans.java:132)
at br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.transaction.JTATransaction.getDelegate(JTATransaction.java:65)
at br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.transaction.JTATransaction.isActive(JTATransaction.java:77)
at br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.transaction.TransactionalInterceptor.initiate(TransactionalInterceptor.java:135)
at ... diversas outras chamadas
By this trace we can see that the problem manifests itself in a method of class JTATransaction
It was commented on the unavailability of some necessary dependence. Here is a simplified version of pom.xml
for evaluation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
... divresas definições
... diversas dependências próprias
<!-- Dependências do SERPRO Demoiselle -->
... outras dependências específicas do projeto incluindo Hibernate
<!-- Dependências para suporte ao JUnit -->
... definições de plug-ins do Maven
The suspicion about a missing dependency seems justified, because as a test I added to the test project a class implementing the interface UserTransaction
and the CDI error stopped occurring. Since the class was dummy , I did not get any more error, but I came back to the situation where DB change operations have no effect.
Other evidence is the Eclipse console log:
08:12:50,144 INFO Version:207 - WELD-000900 1.1.8 (Final)
08:12:50,418 INFO Bootstrap:245 - WELD-000101 Transactional services not available. Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be invoked synchronously.
08:12:50,699 INFO CoreBootstrap:209 - Ligando os motores do Demoiselle 2.4.2
08:12:50,702 INFO CoreBootstrap:209 - BeanManager disponível através do utilitário br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.util.Beans
08:12:52,510 INFO CoreBootstrap:209 - O Demoiselle 2.4.2 decolou
I reiterate that the application works to the satisfaction, the problem only manifests itself in the context of JUnit.
Update 3
After removing the dependency of demoiselle-jta
, no perceptible difference was observed, the problem persists. Below the console log from the beginning to the end of the operation:
08:42:01,197 INFO Version:207 - WELD-000900 1.1.8 (Final)
08:42:01,518 INFO Bootstrap:245 - WELD-000101 Transactional services not available. Injection of @Inject UserTransaction not available. Transactional observers will be invoked synchronously.
08:42:01,813 INFO CoreBootstrap:209 - Ligando os motores do Demoiselle 2.4.2
08:42:01,818 INFO CoreBootstrap:209 - BeanManager disponível através do utilitário br.gov.frameworkdemoiselle.util.Beans
08:42:03,678 INFO CoreBootstrap:209 - O Demoiselle 2.4.2 decolou
08:42:06,402 INFO Version:24 - Hibernate Validator 4.2.0.Final
08:42:11,643 INFO Version:37 - HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {4.0.1.Final}
08:42:11,697 INFO Version:41 - HHH000412: Hibernate Core {4.1.7.Final}
08:42:11,717 INFO Environment:239 - HHH000206: hibernate.properties not found
08:42:11,724 INFO Environment:342 - HHH000021: Bytecode provider name : javassist
08:42:13,585 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl:96 - HHH000402: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
08:42:13,891 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl:130 - HHH000115: Hibernate connection pool size: 20
08:42:13,892 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl:133 - HHH000006: Autocommit mode: true
08:42:13,893 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl:147 - HHH000401: using driver [oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver] at URL [jdbc:oracle:thin:@aikanahml.cce.ufpr.br:1521:hml01]
08:42:13,894 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl:152 - HHH000046: Connection properties: {user=restaurante_test, password=****, autocommit=true, release_mode=auto}
08:42:15,132 INFO Dialect:125 - HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
08:42:15,297 INFO TransactionFactoryInitiator:73 - HHH000268: Transaction strategy: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.jdbc.JdbcTransactionFactory
08:42:15,332 INFO ASTQueryTranslatorFactory:48 - HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
08:42:35,107 INFO LoggerProducer:209 - Gerenciador de entidades criado a partir da unidade de persistência "restaurante-ds".
Hibernate: alguns selects necessários que antecedem o INSERT
>>> Aqui ocorreu a exceção, mas nenhuma mensagem é registrada no console, apenas em debug é possível rastrear a exceção e inspecionar seus detalhes
08:44:09,578 INFO CoreBootstrap:209 - Desligando os motores do Demoiselle 2.4.2
08:44:09,579 INFO DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl:156 - HHH000030: Cleaning up connection pool [jdbc:oracle:thin:@aikanahml.cce.ufpr.br:1521:hml01]