Selecting a value from a row / column of the ListView populated by LINQ to SQL


Through the double click event I need to pull a value from a row / column in a ListvView populated by LINQ to SQL.

For example, when the user needs to select a row / column value from this ListView, after the double-click event, this information would feed a Textbox with the SQL database ID (not the ListView Index) corresponding to that row / column clicked.

Look at how you can help me! Please!

Class that updates the List.

namespace TRSSystem.AcessoDados

public static List<tabProduto> Consultar_ALL()
            TRSSystemDataClassesDataContext oDB = new TRSSystemDataClassesDataContext();
            List<tabProduto> oProdutos = (from Selecao in oDB.tabProdutos orderby Selecao.Descricao select Selecao).ToList<tabProduto>();
            return oProdutos;


When you start the WPF form ...

listView_tabProduto.ItemsSource = TRSSystem.AcessoDados.tabProdutoAcesso.Consultar_ALL();

Double Click Event (DOES NOT WORK)

private void Select_Item(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

           txtDescricao.Text = listView_tabProduto.SelectedIndex.ToString(); -------> Não funciona

asked by anonymous 23.01.2016 / 21:43

2 answers


You have to get the column of the selected line:

DataRowView linha;
int linhaIndex;

linhaIndex=  listView_tabProduto.SelectedIndex;
linha= listView_tabProduto.Items.GetItemAt(linhaIndex) as DataRowView;
txtDescricao.Text = Convert.ToString(linha["Descricao"]);

. Reference:


27.01.2016 / 12:21

Good evening.

I found the solution:

    private void Select_Item(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        if (listView_tabProduto.SelectedItem != null)

            tabProduto id = (tabProduto)listView_tabProduto.SelectedItem;

            txtDescricao.Text = id.Descricao.ToString();



Reference: link

10.02.2016 / 00:27