I have been researching without much success, something that I believe in theory to be very simple, but I did not find the right command.
I have a LOG file with several information, but certain information is repeated, but only in a certain column, and everything that is repeated in this column, I wanted it to be deleted, with only one remaining. Example:
6; Mar 21 03:18;; unknown; <[email protected]>; Get much more positive aspects out of your work out; HIGH
3; Mar 21 03:20;; unknown; <[email protected]>; Eating healthful is not assisting you lose weight; HIGH
2; Mar 21 03:18;; unknown; <[email protected]>; Asian infused diet program pill makes it was West; MEDIUM
2; Mar 21 13:50;; unknown; <[email protected]>; want to see me?; MEDIUM
3; Mar 21 12:28;; unknown; <[email protected]>; how do you like it here?; HIGH
3; Mar 21 13:49;; unknown; <[email protected]>; Good Evening How are things? I m Yana; HIGH
Is there any command, or even these (SORT and UNIQ) with some specific parameter that does this?
Thank you.