Refresh field in several columns


I have a list of categories and I would like to sort them all at once so I created a field of "sorting" where I can put the number of the order I want [1] and so by pressing for save [2] as the image:


        $ordemCat = array (
            // coluna                                   // campo form
            "id_categoria_anuncio"              =>      $this->input->post("id_categoria_anuncio"),
            "page_id_categoria_anuncio"         =>      $this->input->post("ordenacao"),

        $sucesso = $this->administracao_model->ordenacaoCats($ordemCat);

        if($sucesso) {
            $this->session->set_flashdata("success", "Ordem alterada com sucesso!");
        } else {
            $this->session->set_flashdata("danger", "A ordem das categorias não pode ser alterada!");



// Model: administracao_model.php
function ordenacaoCats($ordemCat){

            $data = array(
                  'id_categoria_anuncio'            => $ordemCat['id_categoria_anuncio'] ,
                  'page_id_categoria_anuncio'       => $ordemCat['page_id_categoria_anuncio']

            $this->db->update_batch('categorias_anuncios', $data, 'id_categoria_anuncio'); 
            //echo $this->db->last_query();



//View: ver_cat_anuncios.php

                    <?php echo form_open("administracao/update_ordenacao", array('id' =>'categorias-dos-anuncios')); ?>
                    <table class="table table-striped">
                            <th>Nome da Categoria</th>
                            <th>Ordenação <?php  echo form_button(array( "class"      => "btn-ordenacao fa fa-floppy-o",  "content"    => "",  "type" => "submit" )); ?></th>

                        <?php if (count($categorias)) : foreach ($categorias as $categoria) :?>
                            <td><?=$categoria['id_categoria_anuncio']; ?></td>
                            <?php ($categoria['is_parent_categoria_anuncio'] !== "0") ? $espacamento = " " : $espacamento = "- "; ?>

                            <td><?= anchor('administracao/edit_cat_anuncios/' .$categoria['id_categoria_anuncio'], $espacamento.$categoria['titulo_categoria_anuncio']);?></td>
                                <div class="form-group">
                                    <?= form_hidden('id_categoria_anuncio', $categoria['id_categoria_anuncio']);?>
                                    <?= form_input(array(
                                        "name"          =>  "ordenacao",
                                        "value"         =>  $categoria['page_id_categoria_anuncio'],
                                        "id"            =>  "ordenacao",
                                        "class"         =>  "form-control",
                                        "maxlength"     =>  "3",
                                        "style"         =>  "width: 60px; text-align: center;"
                                    )); ?>
                            <td><?php if($categoria['show_menu_categoria_anuncio'] == 1) {echo "<span style=\"color: #009202; font-weight: bold;\">Ativado</span>";} else {echo "<span style=\"color: #e10707; font-weight: bold;\">Desativado</span>";} ?> </td>
                                <div class="btn-group" role="group" aria-label="Ações">
                                    <?= btn_edit('administracao/edit_cat_anuncios/'. $categoria['id_categoria_anuncio'] );?>
                                    <?= btn_delete('administracao/deleta_cat_anuncios/'. $categoria['id_categoria_anuncio'] );?>                                    
                        <?php endforeach; ?>
                        <?php else: ?>
                                <td colspan="5"><p class="text-info">Não há nenhuma categoria no sistema!</p></td>

                        <?php endif;?>
                    <?php echo form_close(); ?>

This my code I did by taking a look at the CodeIgniter documentation

$data = array(
      'title' => 'My title' ,
      'name' => 'My Name 2' ,
      'date' => 'My date 2'
      'title' => 'Another title' ,
      'name' => 'Another Name 2' ,
      'date' => 'Another date 2'

$this->db->update_batch('mytable', $data, 'title'); 

// Produces: 
// UPDATE 'mytable' SET 'name' = CASE
// WHEN 'title' = 'My title' THEN 'My Name 2'
// WHEN 'title' = 'Another title' THEN 'Another Name 2'
// ELSE 'name' END,
// 'date' = CASE 
// WHEN 'title' = 'My title' THEN 'My date 2'
// WHEN 'title' = 'Another title' THEN 'Another date 2'
// ELSE 'date' END
// WHERE 'title' IN ('My title','Another title')

What am I doing wrong?

asked by anonymous 24.01.2015 / 09:31

1 answer


So I understand you're wanting to save the sort order for each item (category), but the first error I see is in your view. You should put the name and id of the field with []

<?= form_input(array(
    "name"          =>  "ordenacao[]",
    "value"         =>  $categoria['page_id_categoria_anuncio'],
    "id"            =>  "ordenacao[]",
    "class"         =>  "form-control",
    "maxlength"     =>  "3",
    "style"         =>  "width: 60px; text-align: center;"
)); ?>

I do not know how this data is being sent to the controller, but I imagine that for a js, then you should get this data $this->input->post("ordenacao") and loop that data and give update_batch .

The way you did, so you did not have to change your controller and only your model would look something like this:

function ordenacaoCats($ordemCat){

    $data = array();

    foreach ($ordemCat['page_id_categoria_anuncio'] as $ord) {
        $data[] = array(
                'id_categoria_anuncio'      => $ordemCat['id_categoria_anuncio'] ,
                'page_id_categoria_anuncio' => $ord

    $this->db->update_batch('categorias_anuncios', $data, 'id_categoria_anuncio'); 
    //echo $this->db->last_query();


Remember, I can not test here, but that's the idea.

26.01.2015 / 18:00