Remove? resize = from image url


After some tests with gtmetrix I realized that the images take a long time to load when they are resized from the url, using the "? resize = (dimensions) " method at the end of it. >

Example: (20ms),400 (500ms)

My question is how to disable this setting, since site performance drops.

I use wordpress. EWWW and Fastern Cache plugins enabled, configured .htacess

asked by anonymous 24.05.2017 / 01:03

2 answers


The general rule is to remove all suspect plugins (like the ones you mentioned) and see if the problem persists. If so, add one by one again until you find the "culprit".

Once you find the plugin that is causing the slowness, look for its details and try to find the setting to not generate thumbs dynamically. Many use the "timthumb" library.

If it does not work, try to find some redirect set up in your .htaccess, it will look something like this:

RewriteRule ^images/([0-9]+)/([a-z0-9.]+)?$ /tt.php?src=/images/$2&w=$1


The "Jetpack" plugin was being used. It is responsible for putting this "? Resize = (dimensions)" into the url when the optimize image is enabled. Disabling this function solved the problem.

24.05.2017 / 14:28

I use Wordpress. I found that the "Jetpack" plugin is responsible for putting this "? Resize = (dimensions)" into the url when the optimize image is enabled.

So I disabled this plugin function and everything was solved.

26.05.2017 / 04:54