Error sending NFe


I'm trying to issue NFe using SEFAZ RS's webservice, however it's generating some errors when I call the nfeAutorizacaoLote method. It looks like the error is in the webservice configuration.

By referencing URL for Visual Studio, the following configuration is created in the file web.config :

        <endpoint address="" 
        name="NfeAutorizacaoSoap" />
            <binding name="NfeAutorizacaoSoap">
                <security mode="Transport" />
            <binding name="NfeAutorizacaoSoap1" />

However you are returning the error below, I will call error1 :


The HTTP request is prohibited with the 'Anonymous' client authentication scheme

As I researched, one of the possibilities would be to change the configuration of:
<security mode="Transport" /> Home for: <security mode="TransportCredentialOnly"/>

However, just returned another error, I will call error2 :


The provider URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'. \ r \ n Parameter name: via

I have already tested all possible settings for mode , and always returns either error1 or error2 . I performed a paralele test by XML validation service and everything is fine with the file, the problem is in the webservice request.

Here is the snippet of the requesting code:

    XmlDocument oXmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
    XmlNode oNode = oXmlDoc.DocumentElement;
    NFeAutorizacao.NfeAutorizacaoSoapClient oNfeAutorizacaoSoapClient = new NFeAutorizacao.NfeAutorizacaoSoapClient();
    NFeAutorizacao.nfeCabecMsg onfeCabecMsg = new NFeAutorizacao.nfeCabecMsg();
    onfeCabecMsg.versaoDados = "3.10";
    onfeCabecMsg.cUF = "43";
    XmlNode xmlnode = oNfeAutorizacaoSoapClient.nfeAutorizacaoLote(ref onfeCabecMsg, oNode);
catch (Exception exc)


Note: When you access the URL , you must have a digital certificate , otherwise it will return forbidden access: HTTP Error 403.7 - Forbidden: The page you are attempting to access requires your browser to have a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) client certificate that the Web server recognizes.

asked by anonymous 08.08.2017 / 16:30

1 answer


I did not do it with permission, but I get my use of the distribution and event reception below webconfig configuration:

 <binding name="RecepcaoEventoSoap">
    <security mode="Transport">
        <transport clientCredentialType="Certificate" proxyCredentialType="None"/>
08.08.2017 / 16:40