Can anyone share an updated Eclipse installation and configuration manual, and in this manual have the steps for configuring the environment variables so I can compile and run the projects?
Can anyone share an updated Eclipse installation and configuration manual, and in this manual have the steps for configuring the environment variables so I can compile and run the projects?
Installation in Windows is very simple Are you trying to set up a java project? If so, you can follow this tutorial:
You will need:
JDK: Download the most current version here:
Eclipse: Download the most current version here:
Installing the JDK
Run the JDK installer and follow the instructions until you finish (next > next & finish), if you wish, you can enter the installation directory.
In addition to JDK, you will install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) which is the application that allows you to run JAVA programs in your operating system.
Configuring JAVA on Windows
Right-click Computer and follow the Properties > Advanced system settings > (Advanced tab) Environment Variables ...
Create / edit the system variables listed below:
To confirm that the installation and configuration of JAVA was successful, run the "java -version" and "javac -version" commands at the command prompt.
Installing Eclipse
Eclipse runs directly from an executable file. Extract the ".zip" package from Eclipse to the directory of your choice. Run the eclipse.exe file to start.
When starting eclipse, you must define the working workspace (which is the folder where your workspace will be kept
Ready! Your JDK and Eclipse are installed and configured to program in JAVA! / a>