vscode removing imports when saving file


I have a very simple code in GO . Using the vs code, when I save the file I'm working on, the editor removes import "math"

Follow the code

package main

import "math"

func main() {
    a := Sqrt(float64(60))

When you save the file, the vs code formatter for language GO is removing import math , but it is being used (in the Sqrt function).

Why is this happening? Is it an error in the code or do I need to set something up in the vs code?

asked by anonymous 26.06.2017 / 20:55

2 answers


It is not VS code that removes the import but the GO compiler, in theory GO removes all the amounts you are not using for performance issues.

When you import from a library, you have to say that you will be using it.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
         //bem aqui utilizando a biblioteca FMT
    a := fmt.Println("Hello")
17.07.2017 / 18:37

I found out how to fix the problem, I was missing the prefix math in front of the Sqrt function. Anyway, beginner language problems.

The complete code looks like this:

package main

import "math"

func main() {
    a := math.Sqrt(float64(60)) 
28.06.2017 / 16:01