How to fix rigid "bodies" using PhysX


How can I fix two hard or dynamic "bodies" in a way that where one goes the other goes as close as possible to PhysX


I'm using the PxFixedJoint class but it did not please me.

Asyoucanseeintheprintabove,thereisa"belly" curve in the formation of the cubes.  I already researched but found nothing concrete. I wanted a solution to fix the objects to each other but with a minimum of curve (so to speak).

Below is a snippet of the code.

// C++
// Função responsável por criar o joint
void HEntity::createFixedJoint(HEntity* target)
    physx::PxPhysics* physics = HEngine::getInstance()->getPhysicsContext()->getPhysics();
    physx::PxRigidActor* _target = target->getPhysicsBody();

    physx::PxVec3 pos_a = m_pPhysicsBody->getGlobalPose().p;
    physx::PxVec3 pos_b = _target->getGlobalPose().p;
    physx::PxVec3 offset = (pos_a - pos_b).abs() / 2;

    physx::PxFixedJoint* joint = physx::PxFixedJointCreate(*physics, m_pPhysicsBody, physx::PxTransform(-offset), _target, physx::PxTransform(offset));

    joint->setConstraintFlag(physx::PxConstraintFlag::eVISUALIZATION, true);
    joint->setConstraintFlag(physx::PxConstraintFlag::eCOLLISION_ENABLED, false);


As I'm using Lua Script to extend / extend my application, below is an excerpt from the script in Lua that creates the cubes.

-- Lua
-- Função responsável por criar os cubos em serie
function createJointCubes()
    local parent = scene:getObjectByName("Object.2") -- Cubo já presente na cena
    local last_obj = nil;

    for i = 1, 12 do
        local obj = HGameObject:new()
        obj:setName("Object_Phy." .. i)

        if last_obj == nil then
            obj:setWorldPosition(parent:getWorldPosition()+HVec3(2, 0, 0))
            obj:setWorldPosition(last_obj:getWorldPosition()+HVec3(2, 0, 0))


        if last_obj == nil then

        last_obj = obj

asked by anonymous 31.07.2014 / 19:59

1 answer



Well, after a lot of searching, I ended up finding a solution in the PhysX documentation itself.

What I did was "parental" (make "son") the object I wanted (which in the case is static) to a rigidbody object by multiplying the transformation of the "parent" object by the a "son."

Then I used the attachShape method to add the physical shape of the "child" to the list of physical shapes of the "parent", and I updated the mass and inertia .

// C++
// Acada frame ("Parentando")
m_FilhoWorldTransform =  m_pPai->getWorldTransform() * m_FilhoWorldTransform;
// ...
// Adicionando shape "filho" ao rigidbody "Pai"
// ...
// Atualizando massa e inércia
physx::PxU32 mass_count = 2; // Numero de shapes/massas
physx::PxReal* masses = new physx::PxReal[2];
masses[0] = pai_mass;
masses[1] = filho_mass;

physx::PxRigidBodyExt::setMassAndUpdateInertia(*parent->getRigidDynamic(), masses, mass_count);
delete masses;

And see the result. No more "belly". Physics works correctly, it's as if the cubes were part of the "Father" object.

18.08.2014 / 13:58