Problem str_pad function in PHP


I studied the PHP function called str_pad . It turns out that I can make it work fine in most cases, however ..... when I put as a character to be filled in, a blank space "" occurs that simply do not appear spaces, either right or left, and neither leaving the Center as well.

In the browser only a single white character appears, the others are ignored for viewing, only existing in the source code, by the Inspector.

Well, I already tried &nbsp , I already tried via the keyboard, the codes: alt + 0160, but I did not get it. PS: with the alt + 0160 instead of a space, until some spaces appear on the screen, but also a strange sign that is " " appears. The code is very simple, see:


    $nome= "Island Avenue";
    $novo= str_pad($nome,30," ",STR_PAD_BOTH);

    print("Minha nova casa, localizada na $novo é linda!");

asked by anonymous 15.10.2017 / 16:10

2 answers


The has to do with coding and does not affect the str_pad problem. . You can correct it by setting the utf-8 encoding that would be most appropriate or even using the special encoding for that letter &eacute; .

For str_pad remember that in html multiple followed whitespace are ignored, that's why you do not see str_pad working correctly.

If you change the letter of str_pad to any other letter, for example a ! , now see how it is:


<?php$nome="Island Avenue";
    $novo = str_pad($nome,30," ",STR_PAD_BOTH);
    $novo = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;",$novo); //aqui substitui os espaços por nbsp's

    print("Minha nova casa, localizada na $novo &eacute; linda!");

And it already works as expected:


$nome="Island Avenue";
$novo = str_replace(" ", "&nbsp;",str_pad($nome,30," ",STR_PAD_BOTH));
15.10.2017 / 16:41

str_pad does not work with multi-byte characters, since it does not add all the characters at once.

The original code of str_pad is exactly:

switch (pad_type_val) {
    case STR_PAD_RIGHT:
        left_pad = 0;
        right_pad = num_pad_chars;

    case STR_PAD_LEFT:
        left_pad = num_pad_chars;
        right_pad = 0;

    case STR_PAD_BOTH:
        left_pad = num_pad_chars / 2;
        right_pad = num_pad_chars - left_pad;

/* First we pad on the left. */
for (i = 0; i < left_pad; i++)
    ZSTR_VAL(result)[ZSTR_LEN(result)++] = pad_str[i % pad_str_len];

/* Then we copy the input string. */
memcpy(ZSTR_VAL(result) + ZSTR_LEN(result), ZSTR_VAL(input), ZSTR_LEN(input));
ZSTR_LEN(result) += ZSTR_LEN(input);

/* Finally, we pad on the right. */
for (i = 0; i < right_pad; i++)
    ZSTR_VAL(result)[ZSTR_LEN(result)++] = pad_str[i % pad_str_len];

ZSTR_VAL(result)[ZSTR_LEN(result)] = '

function mb_str_pad(string $input, int $pad_length, string $pad_string, int $pad_type, string $pad_encoding = 'utf8') : string {

    $result = '';
    $pad_insert_all = 0;
    $pad_inset_limit = 1;
    $pad_str_len = mb_strlen($pad_string, $pad_encoding);
    $input_len = mb_strlen($input, $pad_encoding);

    if ($pad_length < 0 || $pad_length <= $input_len) {
        return $input;

    if(($pad_type & STR_PAD_INSERT_ALL) === STR_PAD_INSERT_ALL){
        $pad_insert_all = PHP_INT_MAX;
        $pad_inset_limit = null;
        $pad_type -= STR_PAD_INSERT_ALL;

    if ($pad_str_len === 0) {
        trigger_error ( "Padding string cannot be empty", E_WARNING);
        return $input;

    if ($pad_type < STR_PAD_LEFT || $pad_type > STR_PAD_BOTH) {
        trigger_error ("Padding type has to be STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, or STR_PAD_BOTH", E_WARNING);
        return $input;

    $num_pad_chars = $pad_length - $input_len;
    if ($num_pad_chars >= PHP_INT_MAX) {
        trigger_error ("Padding length is too long", E_WARNING);
        return $input;

    switch ($pad_type) {
        case STR_PAD_RIGHT:
            $left_pad = 0;
            $right_pad = $num_pad_chars;

        case STR_PAD_LEFT:
            $left_pad = $num_pad_chars;
            $right_pad = 0;

        case STR_PAD_BOTH:
            $left_pad = floor($num_pad_chars / 2);
            $right_pad = $num_pad_chars - $left_pad;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $left_pad; $i++){
        $result .= mb_substr($pad_string, ($i % $pad_str_len) &~$pad_insert_all, $pad_inset_limit, $pad_encoding);

    $result .= $input;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $right_pad; $i++){
        $result .= mb_substr($pad_string, ($i % $pad_str_len) &~$pad_insert_all, $pad_inset_limit, $pad_encoding);

    return $result;
'; RETURN_NEW_STR(result);


Note the presence of i % pad_str_len , that is, it only adds a single byte, which can cause an unknown byte to remain. For example, if you are using chr(160) , this is for Latin1 and not for UTF8.

In Latin1, the byte A0 represents "non-breaking space". But the same thing in UTF8 requires two bytes, being C2 A0 . If you cut one of them, for example, by isolating C2 , you will have a ? .

If you want a "new version" of str_pad we could create a mb_str_pad() :

mb_str_pad($nome, 30, "\xc2\xa0", STR_PAD_BOTH, 'utf8');

This requires PHP 7 +

This is a version extremely based on the original version of PHP, indicated above, with some changes:

It supports multi-bytes, so you can do:

switch (pad_type_val) {
    case STR_PAD_RIGHT:
        left_pad = 0;
        right_pad = num_pad_chars;

    case STR_PAD_LEFT:
        left_pad = num_pad_chars;
        right_pad = 0;

    case STR_PAD_BOTH:
        left_pad = num_pad_chars / 2;
        right_pad = num_pad_chars - left_pad;

/* First we pad on the left. */
for (i = 0; i < left_pad; i++)
    ZSTR_VAL(result)[ZSTR_LEN(result)++] = pad_str[i % pad_str_len];

/* Then we copy the input string. */
memcpy(ZSTR_VAL(result) + ZSTR_LEN(result), ZSTR_VAL(input), ZSTR_LEN(input));
ZSTR_LEN(result) += ZSTR_LEN(input);

/* Finally, we pad on the right. */
for (i = 0; i < right_pad; i++)
    ZSTR_VAL(result)[ZSTR_LEN(result)++] = pad_str[i % pad_str_len];

ZSTR_VAL(result)[ZSTR_LEN(result)] = '

function mb_str_pad(string $input, int $pad_length, string $pad_string, int $pad_type, string $pad_encoding = 'utf8') : string {

    $result = '';
    $pad_insert_all = 0;
    $pad_inset_limit = 1;
    $pad_str_len = mb_strlen($pad_string, $pad_encoding);
    $input_len = mb_strlen($input, $pad_encoding);

    if ($pad_length < 0 || $pad_length <= $input_len) {
        return $input;

    if(($pad_type & STR_PAD_INSERT_ALL) === STR_PAD_INSERT_ALL){
        $pad_insert_all = PHP_INT_MAX;
        $pad_inset_limit = null;
        $pad_type -= STR_PAD_INSERT_ALL;

    if ($pad_str_len === 0) {
        trigger_error ( "Padding string cannot be empty", E_WARNING);
        return $input;

    if ($pad_type < STR_PAD_LEFT || $pad_type > STR_PAD_BOTH) {
        trigger_error ("Padding type has to be STR_PAD_LEFT, STR_PAD_RIGHT, or STR_PAD_BOTH", E_WARNING);
        return $input;

    $num_pad_chars = $pad_length - $input_len;
    if ($num_pad_chars >= PHP_INT_MAX) {
        trigger_error ("Padding length is too long", E_WARNING);
        return $input;

    switch ($pad_type) {
        case STR_PAD_RIGHT:
            $left_pad = 0;
            $right_pad = $num_pad_chars;

        case STR_PAD_LEFT:
            $left_pad = $num_pad_chars;
            $right_pad = 0;

        case STR_PAD_BOTH:
            $left_pad = floor($num_pad_chars / 2);
            $right_pad = $num_pad_chars - $left_pad;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $left_pad; $i++){
        $result .= mb_substr($pad_string, ($i % $pad_str_len) &~$pad_insert_all, $pad_inset_limit, $pad_encoding);

    $result .= $input;

    for ($i = 0; $i < $right_pad; $i++){
        $result .= mb_substr($pad_string, ($i % $pad_str_len) &~$pad_insert_all, $pad_inset_limit, $pad_encoding);

    return $result;
'; RETURN_NEW_STR(result);

Differences from the original version:

PS: Assuming I did not insert a bug.

  • Multi-byte support:

    It supports characters that require multiple bytes. You can specify the encoding type used, including UTF8, which is the default.


    You can insert the whole string, instead of "switching to one another", if you have a string with more than one character (eg "abc"), you can specify to always insert "abc" this has a side effect since the number of characters entered is not measured. To use, just use STR_PAD_BOTH | STR_PAD_INSERT_ALL , but this is not necessary in YOUR CASE.

  • Return on error:

    Even in case where a WARNING is issued it will return the original string, which is not the behavior of the original function.

15.10.2017 / 19:23