Example, I have a database called 123, in this database has the players table, which would be where the players' accounts are. I want to count how many accounts there are in the database.
Finally, count the number of rows in a SQLITE3 table, using Python 2.7.
What I have so far:
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
import sqlite3
# Connexion for database
print "Tentando conectar-se ao banco de dados."
Database, Cursor = None, None
Database = sqlite3.connect("./database/database.db", check_same_thread = False)
Database.text_factory = str
Database.isolation_level = None
Database.row_factory = sqlite3.Row
Cursor = Database.cursor()
print "Conectado com o banco de dados.\n"
print "[ERROR] Falha na conexão do banco de dados."
Cursor.execute ("?")