How to enable debug () in PHP? [closed]


I'm having trouble trying to use the debug(); function in PHP .

In the log of apache the following error appears:


PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function debug () in / var / www / html / ... autoload.php: 7

That is, at line 7 of file autoload.php I put the following test to test if the debug() function is working:

    $f = "oi";
    echo $f;

But unsuccessfully, has anyone experienced this, or do you know how to solve this error?

Note: I'm using xdebug-2.6.0beta1

asked by anonymous 04.01.2018 / 18:17

1 answer


Because this function is not native to PHP or XDebug, it will not work. As mentioned in the comments of the question, this is a function of CakePHP, however, you can add it in your project.

Just follow the steps below.

Adding the function in your project

  • Download the link file and add it in the Cake / Error folder with the name Debugger.php .

  • Download the link file and add it in the Cake / Log folder with the name Log.php .

  • Download the link file and add it in the Cake / Utility folder with the name Hash.php .

  • Download the link file and add it in the Cake / Utility folder with the name Text.php .

  • Download the link file and add it in the Cake folder with the name basics. php

  • Download the css file link and add it to your project (Optional).

  • Using the debug function in your project

    To use in your project, simply follow the code below:

    spl_autoload_register(function($classname) {
        $file = sprintf("%s.php", $classname);
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            require_once $file;
        } else {
            throw new RuntimeException("File {$file} not found", 404);
    require_once "cake/basics.php";
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    debug( json_decode($json) );
    04.01.2018 / 21:58